Match Stats
71 95
Match Date Mon, Mar 21 2022 at 4:22 pm Server [Discord - - #TDMPickups] The Concrete Jungle - Public & Pickup Games - Duel/TDM [NYC]
Mutators AntiTweakV52, No Redeemer, Map-Vote LAv2, Who Pushed Me? Map Name DM-Frantic
Server Info Admin: flux, TDMPickups Admins
Email: -> #TDMPickups

For the love of UT!
Game Info Time Limit: 12
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 0
Max Players: 8
Max Specs: 10
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 1.000000
Weapon Stay: False
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: GERLAND_Z_RYBLI

Frags Team

Top fraggers

Frags #5-8


Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us kair0 (4th )11:592929292059.1830.7700:39
us nomercy (53rd )11:5921212128143.1416.9700:28
gb burnzy (100th )11:5911111129128.5723.3300:27
us zac (185th )11:5910101026128.9516.0200:30
Totals71 (71)71711030339.9621.7700:31
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca JD (44th )11:59404041211164.6239.7500:37
abc (85th )11:59232324291144.6430.4800:27
no f|subz` (84th )11:592020201852.6326.9000:43
ca Xero|HV (46th )11:591212129156.5227.0301:27
Totals95 (95)9597772354.6031.0400:49

Kills Match Up
us kair0 (4th )     13943
us nomercy (53rd )    121091
gb burnzy (100th )  1  3711
us zac (185th )   1 2234
ca JD (44th ) 111110101 1 
abc (85th ) 2610711  
no f|subz` (84th ) 5735    
ca Xero|HV (46th ) 2353 1  

Weapons Summary
Impact HammerEnforcerRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 4 18 2 8 12 4 149
gb burnzy (100th ) 4 1 2 4 2 13
no f|subz` (84th ) 10 1 4 3 2 20
ca JD (44th ) 2 5 9 9 10 5 2 1 43
us kair0 (4th ) 1 9 2 1 10 5 129
us zac (185th ) 1 2 1 5 3 12
Impact HammerEnforcerRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 330 172 74 280 78 934
gb burnzy (100th ) 183 5 43 53 168 63 8 523
no f|subz` (84th ) 83 1 111 102 53 18 368
ca JD (44th ) 95 98 121 272 11 42 639
us kair0 (4th ) 54 13 120 44 49 73 50 403
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 22 10 92 22 39 185
us zac (185th ) 61 35 51 151 175 22 48 543
Impact HammerEnforcerRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 53 45 45 22 52 217
gb burnzy (100th ) 26 1 7 25 23 39 1 122
no f|subz` (84th ) 6 20 58 12 3 99
ca JD (44th ) 31 24 127 61 9 2 254
us kair0 (4th ) 9 23 25 6 49 12 124
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 6 24 9 11 50
us zac (185th ) 8 2 8 33 11 17 8 87
Impact HammerEnforcerRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 1080 3235 236 226 1141 1467 7385
gb burnzy (100th ) 493 51 568 177 247 598 295 17 2446
no f|subz` (84th ) 106 1477 366 288 677 276 3190
ca JD (44th ) 270 631 2114 635 970 216 359 217 5412
us kair0 (4th ) 160 1420 176 96 1014 1263 4129
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 100 1945 79 264 650 3038
us zac (185th ) 135 95 82 486 161 136 325 519 1939
Impact HammerEnforcerRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 17.2 26.1 52.4 7.9 69.5
gb burnzy (100th ) 14.2 20.0 16.3 47.2 13.7 61.9 12.5
no f|subz` (84th ) 7.2 18.0 56.9 22.6 16.7
ca JD (44th ) 32.6 24.5 105.0 22.4 81.8 4.8
us kair0 (4th ) 16.7 19.2 56.8 12.2 67.1 24.0
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 27.3 26.1 40.9 28.2
us zac (185th ) 13.1 5.7 15.7 21.9 6.3 77.3 16.7

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
abc (85th )
gb burnzy (100th )
no f|subz` (84th ) 1
ca JD (44th ) Yes 1 4
us kair0 (4th ) 1 2
us nomercy (53rd )
ca Xero|HV (46th ) 1
us zac (185th ) 1

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
abc (85th ) 3 3
gb burnzy (100th ) 1 1 1
no f|subz` (84th ) 1 2
ca JD (44th ) 5 1 5 4
us kair0 (4th ) 7 4 4 3
us nomercy (53rd ) 1 1 2 5
ca Xero|HV (46th ) 1 15 1 1
us zac (185th ) 1 1