Match Stats
110 119
Match Date Mon, Dec 13 2021 at 8:57 pm Server [Discord - - #tdmpickups] Frag Factory - Duel & TDM [Kansas]
Mutators AntiTweakV52, No Redeemer, Map-Vote LA13, Who Pushed Me?, **Weapon Switch Rate Handler** Map Name Nitro Processing Facility
Server Info Admin: Max]|[muS-X, fluxx, TonyRayo (TonyMontana), ShoNoM3rcy
Email: Try a new map ;)

For the love of frags!
Game Info Time Limit: 15
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 0
Max Players: 8
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 1.000000
Weapon Stay: False
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: oskr, humpthehehe, JP

Frags Team

Top fraggers

Frags #5-8


Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Max]I[muS-X (16th )14:58434344341255.4232.3800:29
ca fresh (24th )14:583939392263.9324.6400:44
us DiamondMind (68th )14:5824242434141.6724.6000:29
abc (85th )14:5844439111.1143.7600:25
Totals110 (110)1101111291443.0331.3500:32
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us kair0 (4th )14:5833333418164.1550.7800:54
us DREW-TANg (63rd )14:58252526381140.3019.3400:25
us nomercy (55th )14:5823232525248.0838.4700:39
Totals119 (81)8185814150.8436.2000:40

Kills Match Up
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 111 9186
ca fresh (24th )     61111
us DiamondMind (68th )    1287
abc (85th )  1  1 1
us kair0 (4th ) 975131  
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 8568 1 
us nomercy (55th ) 5398  2

Weapons Summary
Impact HammerEnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 1 12 9 3 4 1 131
ca CreeK (302nd) 6 2 1 12 2 4 5 4 2 240
us DiamondMind (68th ) 2 1 2 4 3 3 1 8 2 26
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 228
ca fresh (24th ) 1 4 1 19 1 3 6 4 39
us kair0 (4th ) 1 15 9 2 1 4 234
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 9 8 3 2 6 1 19 48
Impact HammerEnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 306 4 82 240 419 45 6 1102
ca CreeK (302nd) 298 15 24 86 77 139 37 9 685
us DiamondMind (68th ) 173 34 32 86 61 117 53 62 618
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 460 35 28 63 197 32 38 853
ca fresh (24th ) 74 1 10 209 76 34 18 422
us kair0 (4th ) 100 109 200 3 2 96 510
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 149 4 43 49 113 58 180 596
Impact HammerEnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 74 20 274 59 22 449
ca CreeK (302nd) 44 5 10 26 67 22 24 4 202
us DiamondMind (68th ) 37 1 3 11 59 11 17 13 152
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 56 1 6 46 20 29 7 165
ca fresh (24th ) 29 2 42 6 17 8 104
us kair0 (4th ) 31 29 174 1 9 15 259
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 63 2 18 38 15 23 34 193
Impact HammerEnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 1227 1551 1344 947 462 141 5672
ca CreeK (302nd) 1095 174 232 2137 174 527 378 1009 608 6334
us DiamondMind (68th ) 232 740 50 205 718 348 112 396 368 999 4168
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 1081 21 419 228 351 639 349 469 3557
ca fresh (24th ) 135 474 57 3420 108 377 692 856 6119
us kair0 (4th ) 534 2044 805 168 129 879 4559
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 944 54 1379 272 267 467 213 2641 6237
Impact HammerEnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
abc (85th ) 24.2 22.5 114.3 14.2 134.5
ca CreeK (302nd) 14.8 33.3 41.7 30.2 87.0 15.8 64.9 44.4
us DiamondMind (68th ) 21.4 2.9 9.4 12.8 96.7 9.4 32.1 21.0
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 12.2 2.9 21.4 73.0 10.1 90.6 18.4
ca fresh (24th ) 39.2 20.0 20.1 7.9 50.0 44.4
us kair0 (4th ) 31.0 26.6 87.0 33.3 450.0 15.6
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 42.3 50.0 41.9 77.6 13.3 39.7 18.9

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
abc (85th )
us DiamondMind (68th ) 3
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 1
ca fresh (24th ) 1 2
us kair0 (4th ) 2
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 2 2 1
us nomercy (55th ) 1 2

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
abc (85th ) 3 4
us DiamondMind (68th ) 3 2 5 3
us DREW-TANg (63rd ) 5 4 1
ca fresh (24th ) 4 3 3
us kair0 (4th ) 5 6 8 1
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 3 1 2 5
us nomercy (55th ) 1 4 3